Next Day Delivery

A faster product delivery experience for e-commerce website

Faster delivery

What was it about?

- With a boom in technological equipment needs during the COVID 19 pandemic, all software and hardware companies saw an increase in customer demands.
- To meet such demands Dell partnered with a new vendor to make next day delivery of products possible for few postal codes in United States.
- This project was aimed at designing a seamless online user experience for a customer eligible for next day delivery.

My role
As a Product Manager

- Gathered and documented requirements after brainstorming user experience ideas.
- Effectively collaborated with a team of 12 engineers and 1 designer to develop the user interface for the feature.
- Successfully launched the feature within a span of 1 month with across the board alignment.


- 5% increase in conversion of customers on cart page
- 1% less customer satisfaction complaints in a month
- 7% uptick in revenue per order.

User Interface